I recently came across a very interesting opportunity, which I recommend all 3rd year student who are finishing with their studies (for now), should have a look at.
All around me my friends are struggling to find a job. I remember thinking, I want to be an entrepreneur, despite all the risks associated with taking on this career. These days, looking at how many people lost their jobs in the world of investment banking (and in many other industries as well), I think to myself, being self-employed, now there’s one job you can never get made redundant from.
So here is an opportunity which allows you to travel, be entrepreneurial and get paid to learn from other entrepreneurs. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme allows you to go to another country in Europe for a period of your choice (1-6 months) to work alongside (not FOR) another entrepreneur who is an industry you are interested in. While doing this the programme pays you a maintenance grant of up to 1,100 euros – not an enormous amount of money, but you’ll have time to work a part time job as you won’t be at the office 9-5.
I am considering applying to this programme for the summer months of 2010 – thinking of the experience as a paid-internship in a country of MY choice, to learn how to be a successful businessman – BRILLIANT!