So, like many people who use Facebook for some kind of marketing activity, I have two accounts. One which I use for most of my marketing campaigns and another which is my personal account. We do this to prevent Facebook from deleting our personal account.
While I hate spam, advertising, stupid applications and random so called “friends” appearing on my personal account – I love all these things on my marketing account; because sometimes you come across some new or creative method being used to effectively reach more people.
This past week was Fresher’s week at university and I joined a few groups called Manchester Freshers. Very clever people behind these groups. One girl called Melissa Hart, is the admin of a few of these groups and has found a really cool way to promote events.
Recently Facebook allowed us to change the name of groups. So she changes the name of her Freshers group every day to say something like: “Tiger Tiger Erasmus Party Tonight – Vodka RedBull £1.50”… and then the next day she changes it again. Every change creates a notification that all 3,000 members receive. AWESOME! While messages can become spam, we love receiving notifications.
Something to consider when thinking of promoting events for Nivoda Marketing.