Entrepreneur vs Employee

Since I graduated and decided to not find a job and instead start a business, many of my friends have said to me, on a regular basis, one or both of the following:

“You’re making quite a brave (possibly perceived as arrogant) decision to start your own business in these troubled times… I personally couldn’t take the risk of not knowing where and when my income will come from”. 


“Yes, starting a business is the dream, but I think it is better to go into employment, learn a bit, accumulate some capital and THEN do my own thing”.

I used to think these were both reasonable points and wished those who stood behind them the best of luck in their endeavours – after all, not everyone can or is going to be a business owner and many first time business owners start when they are older.

Recently however, I have thought about some valid arguments against both lines of thought mentioned above.

The first of these is based on the RISK element. What is interesting about this risk, unlike say gambling, it is not easily defined or measured. It is definitely a perceived risk and perceptions, as we all know, are heavily biased and influenced by our upbringing and the media.

So, here is my possibly biased perception of both the risk of becoming an employee and that of starting your own business.

(a) Becoming an employee:

  • You risk not being able to develop the skills and capabilities that will make you employable for the rest of your life because you are not always able to CHOOSE what skills you develop in a job defined by your employer. Given the rate at which technology is advancing, people who are not constantly improving and learning may well find themselves the miners in a country that no longer mines 20 (or even 10) years down the line. Then what?
  • You risk loosing your job. In a growing global economy people forget about this risk, but we are currently in a troubled world economy and even if a grand recovery does eventually come, the economic cycle will surely deliver a number of other recessions in each of our lifetimes. What’s more, companies go bust or contract for reasons completely unrelated to the global economy, putting all but the most valuable employees at the risk of being retrenched.
  • You risk not being happy. Many philosophers, work psychologists and more recently, behavioural economists argue that a major influence on our happiness is the ability to do meaningful work. In many large corporations it may not be possible to do this. How many people do you know who love their job? 

(b) Starting a business

  • You risk not having enough money to live. However “to live” is a funny term. Sure, if I had a family and was used to a lavish lifestyle, “survive” may mean several thousand pounds per month. While setting up this business, to me, survive means something in the region of £500 per month. An easily attainable amount (even less that what some people in the UK receive in benefits each month).
  • You risk… um, I can’t think of any others. Please feel free to mention any you may think of in the comments below.

Of course some people may say, you risk “failure” or you risk “having to sleep less” and so on. Like I said, this risk is a perceived risk and will mean different things to different people.

The second argument I have against being an employee is based on the concept of TIMING.
It seems like a reasonable argument: “Get a job, learn, accumulate wealth, exit, start a business, succeed.”

Looking at my dad as an example, I put forward my argument against this type of approach.

My father is a major inspiration to me. During his life he has changed so many jobs, always looking for something better, something to stimulate him and wherever he goes, no matter the industry, he advances within the company at a lightning speed. He is soon going to be 50 and in the IT industry age tends to be against you – not in his case. He is doing better than ever and has managed to do all this while immigrating out of Bulgaria with nothing and then returning to start again many years later.

For the past few years he has been also working on starting a chain of Montessori schools with my step-mom. There is a huge demand for these schools in Bulgaria and they have already successfully opened several. He continues to inspire me with his ability to adapt and take advantage of opportunities. Had my dad been born in a capitalist country and had he not had a son at a young age and immigrated to a country where he had to provide for his family, I think my dad would have become an entrepreneur at a much younger age and a great one at that.

His example shows me several key things:

  • Specialising – great for an employee, but not necessarily the key to success for an entrepreneur. After years of specialising, you might know a lot about the one thing you do really well at company ABC but could you start your own company to compete with ABC? There are natural leaders, but there are also those that are made through effort and learning; and to be made takes time. It is a great (level 5 – Good to Great) leader that makes a business succeed.
  • Family and marriage – your perceived risk increases with having a family as the possibility of not being able to put bread on the table for your wife and kids is riskier than if you are alone. The average age for people getting married in the UK is 27. So once you graduate, on average, you have 4-5 years before you are married. This is a window of opportunity. Go tell your new wife you are leaving your investment banking job to start a business that may fail and see how she responds.
  • The Rat Race – Good employees progress in a company. They earn more with every year and therefore the financial opportunity cost of starting your own business increases. At first this may only be the amount you would earn in a graduate position but it may easily become 6 digits or more before long. This makes the financial decision to leave and start your own business even harder when you have been employed for a few years.

In summary, I think for young people, the risk of being an employee is generally greater than starting your own business. I also think there is a strong inverse correlation between the passage of time and the likelihood and ease with which people can start and succeed at starting their own business.

One possible solution that meets employee and entrepreneur mid-way, could be starting a job in a small company where you can be INTRApreneurial. You still get a salary, you are more likely to do meaningful and creative work and should the business succeed, you are likely to have equity options available to you, helping you make the transition from employee to business owner.

Below is my presentation on Intrapreneurship presented at the Manchester Entrepreneurs: “What’s Next” event.

The Four Quotes I Try To Live By

“Know Thyself” – Plato
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” Harry Truman
“Fail Fast, Fail Often” – Unkown, Silicon Valley
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to loose. You already are naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” – Steve Jobs

Welcome to Brussels – Home of Bureaucracy and Red Tape

For the past 6 months I have been getting through all those once-off or yearly administrative business requirements such as registering, opening a business account, applying for and paying your VAT, compliance, regulations etc. To be honest, while it did take up time I did feel like the UK government and institutions had made a good effort in making as many of these requirements easy to understand and easy to get through (and many can be done online).

I applied for the business registration online – got it in a few hours. I walked into the bank and opened an account the very same day. I registered for VAT online, maid a claim to get back the VAT I spent on company expenses and got a deposit into my account just a few days later – which I found out about while checking my online banking. The truth is, I even got used to the amount of things I could do online and started taking this for granted.

A few weeks ago we came to the conclusion that we need a small office here in Belgium to facilitate a part of our business processes. So I planned to spend a week here to get things done. I started trying to do everything online – FAIL! Not only is there no English spoken or written in the home of the EU, but not much can be done online any way. Even the instructions regarding what to do when setting up were contradictory from one site to the other.

Land in Brussels and start visiting the organisations that are supposed to help me get things done. “No appointment, no meeting… sorry!” The biggest bank in Belgium does not work with companies in our industry – others don’t seem to want your custom either. Documents must be written in French, Dutch or German and then once you spend a thousand hours preparing them, you take them to a notary (what the hell is that anyway???) and he charges you 1000 EUROS to put his signature on documents he couldn’t even be bothered to write for you (after all you are funding his beach house).

The point of this rant is to (a) give my compliments to the team of people in the UK that have made taking care of our obligations to the state a breeze, and (b) to express my disgust as to how bureaucratic and anti-business Belgium is. This place would be nothing but a socialist non-country if it wasn’t home to the EU parliament and institutions, with old grannies watching you as you empty your glass bottles into the recycling bins – ready to inform the authorities if you get it wrong – here “Big Brother” is no capitalist.

Necessity has made my tasks here a burden I have to face – but if we really had a choice, I would need a very good reason to set up a business or invest in Belgium.