What are micro niches?
If a market is all chocolate, a niche-market is chocolate from Chile, and a micro-niche is dark chocolate from Chile which is organic and dairy free. While you may find you have loads of competitors in the chocolate market, this may not be the case in your micro-niche… and if your market research suggests there is enough demand, then it is possible to make money using this niche.
The thirty day challenge (30DC) is just that, a challenge to make your first $10 on-line selling products/services in micro-niche markets. Why just $10? Because $10 is achievable, practical and a realistic expectation if you are new to running an on-line business.
I have been doing the 30DC for 3 years now and have created several websites, which, while not making me thousands of pounds, have taught me so much about the invisible mechanics behind the scenes which lead people to your site, which help get you to the first page on Google and I can prove it to anyone who is sceptical. Run a search for “diamonds in africa” on Google. These keywords get 270 searches every day on Google and my site is on the first page of the search results. I created it just a few weeks ago: http://www.diamondsinafrica.com.
My other site, which is generating revenue is http://www.poker-amateur.com. It works well because people don’t have to buy anything for me to make money. They just have to sign up and they will get $150 free to play poker on-line. It is a genuine deal, but faces the problem of looking “too good to be true”… any advice on how to make it sound or look more honest would be greatly appreciated.
So, this is the other side to Nivoda Marketing. We explore the infinite possibilities of exploiting micro-niche markets using affiliate products, and soon to be launched, our very own line of products in an industry I never thought, in my wildest dreams, I’d ever be involved… FASHION.